LineQuartz, an innovative therapy !
This French innovation, non-invasive, energetic, dynamic and relaxing care combines these 4 active principles, scientifically recognized :

Light therapy
Therapeutic method using the projection of a white light, which contributes to relieve and treat :
seasonal depression
sleeping troubles
the biological clock.

Therapeutic method using colored lights projected on the body, the purpose of which is to improve :
cognitive function
psychomotor functions
body relaxation

Music therapy
Therapeutic method using of music, sounds and vibrations that will have an effect which will allow to :
relieve anxiety
calm insomnia
soothe pains
perform (sport)

Therapeutic method using stones and crystals in order to relieve pain, but also which allows to :
stimulate the body
benefit from a better harmony
to be purified

The benefits of LineQuartz
By acting directly on the cells of the human body, LineQuartz® treatments boost your immune system, soothe the entire emotional system, rebalance your body's biological rhythm and also reactivate your self-healing power.
The benefits of this therapy on your well-being, your body and your mind are multiple. Including the following :
Deep relaxationAppeasement, relaxation, relief, lightness
More impetus and enthusiasm
More self-confidence
Better quality of sleep
Feeling of "reliving"
Decrease in pain
Awareness at different levels
Stimulation of intuition
More body awareness

LineQuartz, for whom ? for what ?
LineQuartz care is suitable for all types of profiles, men, women, young and old, as well as children.
Although they do not provide medical follow-up with your doctor or a health care professional, the benefits of this therapy on your well-being, body and mind are many.
Some examples, for which LineQuartz is recommended :
Fatigue and mental loadBurn-out
Stress, anxiety, seasonal depression
Insomnia, sleep disorders
Loss or lack of self-confidence
Concentration problems, memory loss
Chronic pain
Anxieties, fears
Muscle recovery

The LineQuartz in practice
How does a LineQuartz session take place ?
Each session lasts approximately 1h and includes a speaking moment before and after the actual treatment.
The session is very simple :
speaking time between the therapist and his patient before the sessionthe patient lies on a comfortable massage table
the patient is equipped with headphones and a sleep mask
the quartz are positioned above the 7 energy centers
the patient lets go for ~30mn
talking time between the therapist and his patient after the session
Hygiene rules
Sessions tailored to each
For better efficiency, it is recommended to start LineQuartz therapy with the protocol of 4 sessions. The first cleans the physical and mental cellular memories in the body, it is the crystallization of stress. The second is a liberation and an emotional rebalancing. The following allow a release of the physical body, a global rebalancing of the organism and a deep relaxation.
Cardiac Coherence
Breathing rate management
Stimulates endocrine glands
- 1 session
- 35mn consultation
- By appointment only
Cellular cleansing
Mental and physical boost
Rebalances the biorhythm
- 4 sessionss
- 1h consultation
- By appointment only
Well-being and relaxation
Stress reduction
Mind and mood management
- 1 séance
- 35mn consultation
- By appointment only
Memory, concentration
Reactivate ground
Facilitates the harmonisation
- 4 sessions available
- 1h consultation
- By appointment only


Tudo Bem - Olhão
The institute and the crystal shop are located between the Olhão station and the Algartalhos market, just a stone’s throw from the Republic Avenue and the historic centre.
Find us inside Estação Tudo Bem, a new concept space.
Tudo Bem
Rua Primeiro Maio, 32
R/C - Loja B
8700-513 Olhão
Shop Hours
- 10h00 - 12h00
15h00 - 19h00 - 10h00 - 13h00
Offer a care
Are you looking for a gift idea, an original idea for a particular event (birthday, Christmas, etc.) or for someone lacking energy, in a state of stress, in pain ?
Why not offer a moment of well-being, a break for yourself, a full of positive energy, in the form of a gift voucher valid for 1 year ?
Contact us and choose to offer either a discovery session, a complete protocol, a shamanic meditation session or a session in particular.
Digital Gift Voucher